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Table of Contents

Article I
Team Selection
Article II
Team Structure
Article III
Article IV
Field of Play
Article V
Article VI
Article VII
Game Clock
Article VIII
Two Minute Warning
Article IX
Scoring & First Down
Article X
Game Play: Offense
Article XI
Game Play: Defense
Article XII
Blitz Cone
Article XIII
Article XIV
Article XV
Uniform & Required Equipment
Article XVI
Article XVII
Article XVIII
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
  1. All registered players must attend a pre-season player evaluation session to ensure fairness and promote a positive competitive gameplay.
  2. Family members from the same household will be placed on the same team, unless a parent or guardian specifically requests the players be separated.
  3. Requests for team changes for non-family members may be considered but are subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  4. All coaches will have their children assigned to their team; however, a team may lose or gain draft position based on their child’s evaluation and/or draft ranking.
  5. Two Player Protection Rule: Teams are allowed to protect 2 players during the draft. Players eligible for protection are coach/coach or coach/sponsor.
    1. Exception Rule: The only exception to the Two-player protection rule would be siblings. ie) coach #1 has two players which are siblings, coach #2 has 1 child resulting in 3 total players protected for the team.
  6. Competitive Adjustment:  Teams which have protected multiple assessed first round draft picks will be competitively adjusted by forfeiting their third and fourth round picks.  If additional players are protected via the exception rule in which that player is assessed higher than the round taken, the team will forfeit their next round pick.

II. Team Structure


Pre-K – K
1- 2

No. of Players


On Field

6 vs 6
6 vs 6
6 vs 6
6 vs 6
6 vs 6

III. Coaches

    a. Teams shall have one (1) Head Coach and one (1) Assistant Coach unless special approval is granted by the Board of Directors.

    i. Teams may have additional volunteers, as needed.

    ii. Pre-K – K teams may be permitted one (1) additional Assistant Coach.

    iii. One of the Coaches must be present for all official team activities.

    b. A coach may only serve as Head Coach of one team, unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Directors.

    c. Head and Assistant Coaches may be permitted to volunteer for a team in another division; however, they are discouraged from doing so, unless there is a resource constraint.

    d. The Board shall annually assign Head and Assistant Coaches to specific teams

    e. Head and Assistant Coaches shall attend all applicable pre-season player assessments.

    IV. Field of Play

    a. The field dimensions are 35 yards by 50 yards with two 8-yard end zones, and a midfield line-to-gain. For the 7-9 Division, field dimensions are 35 yards by 75 yards with two 8-yard end zones.

    b. Play begins at the 10-yard line at the beginning of each game and the start of each second half.

    c. Stepping on the boundary line is considered out of bounds.

    V. Regulation

    a. Games are 50 minutes in duration, played in two 25 minutes halves.

    b. Halftime is 5 minutes.

              c. Two Time Outs are granted per game.  To be used at any time of the game.

    d. Halves are played with a running clock except in the last 2 minutes of each half where the clock stops at the end of the play entering into the final 2 minutes (i.e., a two-minute warning) and on any dead ball, excluding drops.

    e. There are no forfeits. All games which have commenced will be played to full duration.

    VI. Overtime

      a. If the score is tied at the end of regulation play, the following Overtime rules will apply:

      i. A coin toss will determine the team that chooses to be on offense of defense first.

      ii. Each team will alternate taking turns getting one (1) play from the defense’s 5- yard line for one point or the defense’s 10-yard line for two points. Whether to go for one or two points is up to the offensive team. Whether or not the team that begins on offense converts, the team that started on defense gets at least one attempt on offense to win or tie by converting a one- or two-point play of their own.

      iii. There is no game clock in overtime. Overtime play will continue until one team is victorious.

          VII. Game Clock

            a. Clock Stops on the whistle for the following and will resume on the snap of the ball:

            i. Time Out

            i. Two Minute Warning: Clock stops at end of play entering into the final two minutes of each half.

            ii. Injury on the Field: Clock resumes when injured player leaves the playing field

            ii. Delay of Game: Offense takes longer than 30 seconds in the huddle within two minutes of end of half or 60 seconds to run a play outside of two minutes.

            VIII. Final Two-Minutes of Half

            a. Clock Stops on the whistle for the following and will resume on the snap of the ball:

            i. Time Out

            ii. Injury on the Field

            iii. Delay of Game: Offense takes longer than 30 seconds in the huddle within two minutes of end of half, clock will stop, and an additional 30 seconds will be allowed to run a play. If a play is not run in the additional 30 seconds, a loss of down will occur.

            iv. Touchdown: Clock resumes after PAT and change of possession occurs

            v. Turnover on Downs

            vi. Safety

            vii. Incomplete pass

            viii. Player runs out of bounds

            ix. Quarterback spikes the ball: Must be immediate and does not satisfy throw requirement

                      b. Clock Stops on the whistle when a Penalty is called: Once the penalty has been accepted or declined, clock will start when the
                           ball is set.

            IX. Scoring & First Down

              a. First Down

              i. A single first down is marked at midfield (25-yard line). Teams have 4 downs to gain a first down. If the offense gets a first down, the offense has 4 additional downs to score a touchdown. If a team earns a first down and is pushed back behind mid field, another first down will not be awarded if midfield is crossed again on the same possession.

              b. Touchdown: 6 points

              c. A team that scores a touchdown must declare whether it wishes to attempt a 1-point conversion (from the 5-yard line) or a 2-point conversion (from the 10- yard line)

              d. PAT (point after touchdown) 1 point from the 5-yard line or 2 points from the 10-yard line.

              i. interceptions made on a PAT attempt may be returned
              ii. the points awarded for a return are the same as the PAT attempt

              e. Safety: 2 points

              X. Game Play: Offense

              a. Offense

              i. All offensive players must break the huddle to be considered eligible for the next play.

              ii. All players must start in a 2-point stance (no 3- or 4-point stances are allowed).

              iii. No Offensive Linemen will be used except for the Center snapping the ball.  Players on the line are required to line up no closer than 3 yards to the Center.

              iv. The QB must begin play in the middle of the field with the ball held clearly in front of the body and visible to the defense.

              v. The QB must use a cadence audible to all on the field for Pre-K-K only. All other divisions do not require a cadence audible to snap the ball.

                               vi. The player receiving the ball (snap) from the center cannot rush/run the ball. The ball must be handed off after the snap to
                               advance the ball beyond the line of scrimmage on a rush/run play.

              vii. Play begins when the Center snaps the ball to the QB or (Pre-K-K Division) the QB makes a football move.

              viii. The play starts with the ball on the ground in the centers hand or hands in clear site of the defense. Once the ball moves from the centers hand or hands, the play begins. Whomever receives the snap from the center is considered the QB for the play. Both feet of the player snapping the ball must be behind the line of scrimmage.

              xi. In the PreK-K Division, there are no snaps. The QB will begin with the ball at the line of scrimmage (LOS) or in a shotgun formation.

              x. Only one offensive player may be in motion during a single play. All other players must remain set until the ball is snapped or the QB makes a football moved.

              xi. Ball carriers may use spin moves to avoid their flag being pulled

                     i. Flag Guarding, Stiff Arm and Leaping over defenders is not allowed to avoid de-flagging

              xii. No diving allowed

              xiii. Offensive players must attempt to avoid contact with a defensive player that has established position.

              xiv. Offensive players may lateral the ball (overhand or underhand) at any time during an offensive play.

              xv. Only one forward pass is allowed per down.

              b. Blocking

              i. All offensive players may block defensive players throughout the play. All blocking must be open hand, above the waist and to the shoulders/chest area.

              c. Passing Requirements

              i. Pre-K-K & 1-2 Divisions must pass the ball a minimum of 1 of every 4 downs

              ii. 3-4 & 5-6 & 7-9 Divisions must pass the ball a minimum of 2 of every 4 downs

                               iii. To satisfy the throw requirement, the offensive player must attempt an overhand forward pass.  Any overhand forward pass
                                 outside of the tackle box or across the line of scrimmage whether complete or incomplete satisfies the throw
              requirement. The
                                offensive player may throw the ball out of bounds to satisfy the throw requirement. The tackle box is defined as two player width
                               or 3 yards to each side of the ball or center position.
              Shovel pass does not satisfy a pass attempt. A sack of the QB is not
                               considered a pass or run.

              iv. If the offense and defense both catch the ball simultaneously, possession goes to the offense at the spot of the catch.

              v. One foot in bounds is required for a completion.

              vi. No single player can rush/run the ball on two consecutive plays.

              d. End of Down/ Downed Player

              i. A defensive player pulls the ball carrier’s flag.

              ii. If any offensive player drops the ball during a down: Results in loss of down.

              iii. In the Pre-K-K Division a team suffers a loss of down after two dropped hand-off attempts.

              iv. The offensive ball carrier falls down.

              v. The ball carrier steps on or over the out of bounds line.

              vi. An incomplete forward pass.

              vii. If a player’s flag falls off without being pulled, play continues until touched with at least one hand by a defensive player or remaining flag is pulled.

              viii. Running through or over a defensive player will result in the stoppage of play at the point of contact. (Roughing Penalty at discretion of Official)

                        e. Seven (7) Second Pass Rule

                               i. The QB is allowed 7 seconds from when the ball is snapped to attempt a pass. If the QB fails to attempt a pass in the allotted 7                        second time frame, the QB will be considered “sacked” and the down will end. The ball will be spot where the QB had possession                    of the ball at the time of the 7 second call.

                              ii. RPO: If the QB hands the ball off to the RB or WR behind the line of scrimmage where the player receiving the hand off                                   attempts to pass the ball, that player is still allowed the original seven (7) seconds from time of snap to attempt the pass. If after 7                   seconds, the pass has not been attempted, the player still has the option to run the ball for gains.

              f. Ball Spot

              i. When de-flagged, a player is marked down where the flag is pulled (not the position of the ball). There is no forward progress granted after being de-flagged.

              ii. Exception: if the ball breaks the plane of the goal line before the flag is pulled the player is awarded a touchdown.

              iii. On negative yardage situations, the ball is placed at the spot of the “flag pull”. The ball is not returned to the original line of scrimmage. (This can be modified at the Pre-K-K level depending on game situation)

                      g. Substitution

                               i. Players can substituted at any time and play will resume as soon as the line is set.

              XI. Game Play: Defense

              a. The defense must be a minimum of 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage.

              b. The defensive player must hold up the flag of the de-flagged offensive player and wait for a coach or Official to retrieve it for ball placement.

              c. No stunting allowed

              d. Defensive player(s) that start behind the “Blitz Cone” can only be blocked if the offensive play is a running play. If the play results in a pass and the blitzer is blocked, it’s considered rusher interference.

              e. Defensive backs may cross the line of scrimmage outside of the tackle box after the ball is snapped if they do not go in the direction of the QB.

              f. If the QB fakes a hand off, defensive backs cannot continue to rush in and must drop back into coverage.

              g. All defensive players may drop back into coverage.

              h. Defensive players allowed to rush the QB may block a forward pass but cannot contact the throwing arm of the QB. Hitting the throwing arm or knocking down the QB will result in a roughness penalty and replay of down.

              i. All defensive players may cross the line of scrimmage once the ball has been handed off or the ball leaves the QB’s hands.

              j. There is no tackling. Defensive players may not forcefully contact an offensive player with open hands, shoulders, or their head in an attempt to force them out of bounds or knock them to the ground. They may not wrap up a player from behind and drag them to the ground.

              k. No Stripping of the ball is allowed: Defensive players are not allowed to punch or strip the ball out of the hands of the offensive player.

                                l. Substitutions – Players can be substituted at any time

              XII. Blitz Cone

              i. A blitz cone will be placed 8 yards from the line of scrimmage and will be reset by the Official after each play.

              ii. Defensive players that leave their position and move inside the 8-yard blitz cone and rush the QB will be called for a penalty.

              iii. One or more players may be lined up behind the 8-yard blitz cone at the time of the snap and all have the option to rush the Quarterback. Blitzers may be blocked by Offense.

                XIII. Turnover

                  a. Turnover on Downs

                  i. A turnover on downs will result in the defensive team starting on their own 10- yard line. There are no punts.

                  b. Interceptions

                  i. The ball may be advanced on an interception. If the player advances the ball beyond midfield but fails to score a touchdown, the defensive team will gain possession at midfield.

                  ii. If the player does not advance the ball beyond midfield, possession begins at the 10-yard line.

                  c. Fumbles/Drops

                  i. There are no fumbles

                  ii. The term “dropped”, “drop” or “drops” does not refer to an incomplete forward pass. A “drop” is when the ball makes contact with the ground during the snap, lateral or if a player who once had possession and loses possession of the ball.

                  iii. A dropped ball, not including an incomplete pass, is placed at the spot of the drop. The ball cannot be advanced on a drop.

                  iv. If a player drops the ball, not including an incomplete pass, in their own end zone, the result is a Safety.

                  v. If a player drops the ball, the ball cannot be recovered and advanced by either team.

                  XIV. Officials

                  a. The League will use paid officials to referee games; however, Pre-K – K teams will generally use student volunteers as referees or may not have referees at all.

                  b. The League will do its best to supply a Senior Official, Junior Official and Linesman for each game pending available resources.

                  c. Coaches are not permitted to interact with the Junior Officials to question, influence, guide, or dispute any calls. An adult supervisor or Senior Official will be available to handle these questions or challenges. The coach may explain their position to the supervisor and request that the supervisor discuss the call with the Officials and render a decision. A coach will be given one warning if they display negative behavior toward an Official. A second incident will result in removal from the game and the premises.

                  XV. Uniform & Required Equipment

                  a. The league provides a reversible NFL Jersey and shorts with each registration.

                  b. The league provides flags for all practices and games.

                  c. All jerseys must always remain tucked in.

                  d. Sneakers or plastic/rubber cleats (preferred) as footwear.

                  e. A mouthguard is required at all practices and games.

                  f. No hard protective gear of any kind may be worn.

                  g. Hats and other head coverings are prohibited. Winter hats are allowed (i.e, knit hat)

                  h. No jewelry of any kind may be worn.

                  i. Athletes may wear soft padding at the League discretion. All items should be cleared with coaches before practice/games.

                  XVI. Penalties

                             a. Blitz Cone Penalty: Defensive players that leave their position and move inside the 8-yard blitz cone and rush the QB will be called
                               for a penalty. The Offense will have the option to accept the penalty and replay the down or decline the penalty and keep the
                               results of the down.

                    b. Coaches Conduct- Coaches are not permitted to interact with the Junior Officials to question, influence, guide, or dispute any calls. An adult supervisor or Senior Official will be available to handle these questions or challenges. The coach may explain their position to the supervisor and request that the supervisor discuss the call with the Officials and render a decision. A coach will be given one warning if they display negative behavior toward an Official or opposing coach. A second incident will result in removal from the game and the premises.

                             c. Quarter Back Run Rule – If the Quarterback, in which is the player receiving the snap of the ball from the center, runs the ball
                              beyond the line of scrimmage for gains, the play will be whistled dead, and the ball will be returned to the original line of scrimmage
                              and the play will result in loss of down.

                    d. Consecutive Run Rule – If a team runs the same player on two consecutive downs the defense can take the play as is or it will be considered a loss of down and the ball will be placed at the original line of scrimmage.

                    i. Note: for the purposes of this rule, if a pitch or lateral occurs within a play, the last player with the ball is deemed the runner. A player is deemed the runner if they receive a pitch or handoff from the QB, or subsequent lateral, and does not throw the ball.

                    e. Delay of Game- A 60 second play clock is always in effect. If a team delays beyond a minute, the clock stops, and they will be assessed a loss of down. Game clock for penalty will be started on the spot of the ball for anything outside the 2-minute
                    warnings. Anything inside of 2 minutes before the half or end of game, the game clock will be started on the snap.

                    f. False Start or Illegal Motion- 3-yard penalty on the offense or the defense can decline the penalty and accept results of play.

                    g. Flag Guarding – Ball will be marked down at the spot of the flag guarding. If done multiple times by the same player, it may be considered unsportsmanlike conduct and considered for a loss of down.

                    h. Roughing the Passer- 5-minute game clock penalty. Additional flagrant foul within the same game, player is ejected from game and suspended for following game.

                    i. Holding: Offense/Illegal Block – If the holding or illegal block affects the outcome of the play the defense can opt to redo the play from the original line of scrimmage.

                                      i. Any flagrant acts will be considered as Roughness or Unsportsmanlike Conduct as deemed by the Official

                    j. Holding: Defense/Illegal Block – If the holding or block affects the outcome of the play the offense can opt to redo the play from the original line of scrimmage.

                    i. Any flagrant acts will be considered as Roughness or Unsportsmanlike Conduct as deemed by the Official

                    k. Inadvertent Whistle- If an inadvertent whistle is blown the offensive team may choose to take the ball at the spot of the whistle and play the next down or redo the down from the original line of scrimmage.

                    l. Intentional Grounding- Standard NFL Intentional Grounding Rules Applies. A receiver must be in the vicinity of an attempted pass for a valid pass attempt. Penalty is loss of down and pass does not satisfy throw requirement.

                    m. Intentional Premature Flag Pulling- If a defender pulls the flag of an intended receiver before the ball is caught by the offense, a spot foul will be assessed and an automatic first down will be awarded to the offense.

                    n. Interception Penalty – Live Ball Penalty – If a penalty occurs on the return team during an interception return, the ball will be placed on the side of the field (10-yard line or midfield) where the penalty occurred.

                    o. Offsides: Defense – Replay Down or Decline Penalty and Keep Down

                    p. Offsetting Penalties: In the case of offsetting penalties, the play will be redone from the original LOS

                    q. Pass Interference: Defense– Ball will be placed at the spot of the foul. Replay the down from that point.

                    i. If the penalty occurs in the endzone, replay the down from the 1-yard line (unless the original LOS is between the 1-yard line and endzone in which case replay the down from the original LOS).

                    ii. The same rules apply on a PAT attempt.

                    r. Pass Interference: Offense – Defense may take the play as is or force the offense to redo play from original LOS. If the offense must re-do the play, it will count as loss of down.

                    s. Pass Rule-Minimum – If offense fails to meet Pass-Rule requirements, they will be assessed with a penalty enforced as a loss of down. A violation of this rule results in a replay of the down for Pre-k-K & 1-2 Divisions.  A loss of down will be enforced for 3-4, 5-6 and 7-9 Divisions.

                             t. Too Many Players on the Field: If the Defense is called for too many players, the Offense will have the option to decline the penalty
                             and accept the results of the down or accept the penalty and replay the down. If the Offense is called, the Defense has the option to
                             decline the penalty and accept the results of the play or accept the penalty resulting in loss of down.

                             u. Roughness –
                                        i. Defensive Offender – The offense will replay the current down from the spot where the play ended (If it was second down. 
                                          before the penalty, it remains second down).

                                       ii. Offensive Offender – The offense will incur a loss of down and start from the original line of scrimmage. If the penalty occurs
                                          on 4th down, the result will be a turnover on downs.

                              v. Unsportsmanlike Conduct –
                                       i. If a UC foul is called on the Offense, result of play will be loss of down and ball will be spot at 10-yard line if play began before
                                          mid-field or spot at mid-field line if play began after mid-field line.

                                       ii. If a UC foul is called on the Defense, the Offense will be awarded an automatic first down at mid-
                                           field if play began before mid-field line or an automatic first down at the 10- yard line if play began after mid-field.

                                      iii. A 5-minute game clock penalty will be issued to the offender. Additional Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on the same player
                                           within same game, player is ejected from game and suspended for following game.

                    XVII. Roughness

                      a. Unnecessary Roughness penalties are clear rule infractions, but they occur in natural state of gameplay without a severity that creates an immediate concern for injury or deemed accidental or unintentional in nature.

                      b. Examples of “roughness” include but are not limited to:

                                i. Forcing a player out of bounds on the sideline (except when it is the natural motion of the play or the result of an
                                    entanglement with players near the sideline).

                               ii. Unintentional contact or knocking down of a player rather than attempting to pull a flag.

                               iii. Offense running over a player with no attempt to avoid contact.

                               iv. Blocking a player in the open field without open hands to the chest.

                               v. Hitting the QB’s arm when attempting a pass.

                      XVIII. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

                                  a. The Unsportsmanlike Conduct decision is made by the Official alone and shall not be contested by either coach. Please keep in
                                     mind that the decision about flagrant/non flagrant is about the severity of the foul, not the intent of the athlete. If the excessive
                                     nature of the play creates the obvious potential for injury, flagrancy will be assessed. Examples of “flagrant” conduct include but
                                    are not limited to:

                                        i. Pushing or driving a player out of bounds several yards.

                                       ii. Tackling a player and falling on them driving them into the ground.

                                      iii. Running full speed into a defensive player, lowering the shoulder to drive them back or down.

                                      iv. Extending your arms on an open field block to knock a player to the ground rather than shielding them with open hands.

                                       v. Knocking a QB to the ground in the act of throwing rather than attempting to de-flag or block the pass.

                                 b. Acts of this nature which are considered unsportsmanlike include but not limited to:

                                       i. Stepping on a player while down

                                      ii. Grabbing a player by the neck

                                      iii. Picking up and throwing down to the ground

                                      iv. Punching a player after the play

                                       v. Egregious or repetitive offenses.

                                 c. In addition to the physical actions indicated above athletes that engage in serious verbal infractions are subject to a penalty and
                                     discipline in a similar manner. These may include:

                                        i. Taunting or other form of disrespect to a teammate or opposing player.

                                       ii. Arguing or swearing at another player, coach, or Official.

                                      iii. Throwing any object in frustration.

                                 d. Players are not allowed to participate in any excessive touchdown celebrations (this does not include clapping hands, cheering, or
                                     congratulating the scoring player). Excessive is determined by the Official. Examples of excessive are…. Celebrations of elongated
                                     period of time, taunting etc.

                                         i. Any player or team that does so will result in the opposing team starting at midfield rather 
                                            than the 10-yard line.

                                  e. If a coach feels the game is going in a direction that is unacceptable, they are asked to call an official’s timeout and ask for the
                                      board member on duty. That member will come to the field and help officiate or deescalate the situation. The Officials can do this
                                      and either coach can do this.

                      FIELD SPONSORS

                      OUR SPONSORS